Things Bentley Built

A1: Pokedex

Vanilla HTML, Bootstrap, jQuery, eslint, stylelint, Github Pages

This project was focused on learning to use Bootstrap, jQuery, and interact with an external API. It has a responsive layout and works with a public Pokemon API. Dig through and pick a pokemon to see a picture of it and some details.

Github Demo

A2: MyFlix - API

Express.js, Mongoose, MondoDB, Passport.js, JSDoc, Heroku

This API is built with a MongoDB instance behind it, implements full authorization through Passport, and has JSDoc for easy endpoint documentation. Currently Hosted by Heroku. It serves movies, similar in spirit to IMDB.

Github Demo

A3: MyFlix - React

React.js, Redux, Parcel, Bootstrap, Netlify

Built to work with the MyFlix API, this frontend is built in React and bundled with parcel. Browse movies, save favorties, and update user info. Hosted by Netlify.

Github Demo

A4: Meet App

TDD, CD, Google Calendar, OAuth, Serverless

A Progressive web app built with a TDD approach, which does OAuth via AWS Serverless functions and gets the events from a google calendar. Shows (fake) events for you to meet up with your friends.

Github Demo

A5: Chat App

React Native, Google Firestore

This native app can build for Android or iOS thanks to React Native. It features caching, offline mode, realtime chat, and is backed by a Google Firestore database. Chat with your friends!


A6: MyFlix - Angular

Angular, Typedoc, Github Pages, Angular Material

A Single Page App, this is another frontend for the MyFlix API, but this time in Angular. Utilizes the Material design library for Angular.

Github Demo